- HighRadius Cash Application Automation Fundamentals
HighRadius Cash Application Automation Fundamentals
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HighRadius Cash Application Foundation Training
Get an overview of the HighRadius Cash Application workflow and understand the need for automatic cash posting & exception handling in this training.
{"miniCertification":{"title":"HighRadius Cash Application Foundation Training","short-description":"HighRadius Cash Application Automation solution ","promo-image-title":"Complete this cash application automation fundamentals now!","promo-image":"","duration":"2","modules-count":"4","course-overview":{"description":"Take this foundation training to understand the HighRadius Cash Application Automation Solution and how it integrates with your day-to-day tasks of cash posting.
Learn how to match payment types with open receivables, capture & reconcile payment data efficiently, eliminate entry errors, and speed up cash flow with the HighRadius Cash Application.","course-worth-heading":"After taking this HighRadius Cash Application foundation training, you will be able to:","course-worth-highlight":"","bulletpoints":[{"name":"Extract accurate payment, remittance, and customer master data automatically."},{"name":"Become efficient in all the important features of the HighRadius Cash Application automation solution."},{"name":"Handle and resolve expections more efficiently while applying cash."}],"whats-included":{"get-started-url":"https://academy.highako.com/highradius-cash-application-automation-fundamentals/1621889/scorm/c0x9uyvh5qna","modules-count":"4","whitepaper-count":"1","interactive-scenario-count":"1","quiz-count":"1","interactive-scenarios-count":"1","duration":"2"}},"curriculum-section":{"brochure_cta_text":"Download Curriculum","brochure_url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/Highradius%20Academy/Brochures/Cash-Application-Foundation-Training.pdf","accordion-items":[{"accordion-title-text":"1. Refresher: Cash Application Process [5 mins]","accordion-description-text":"1.1. What is a Cash Application?
1.2. What does Cash Application Analyst Do?
1.3. Why is Cash Application Important in the O2C cycle?
"},{"accordion-title-text":"2. Need for Automatic Cash Posting [15 mins]","accordion-description-text":"2.1. Day in a life of Cash Application Analyst : Manual Tasks Cash App as an AR process.
2.2 Introduction to HighRadius Cash Application Automation software
2.3. Learning Objectives: Cash Application Foundation Certification
"},{"accordion-title-text":"3. CAA Process Integration Blueprint [60 mins] ","accordion-description-text":"3.1. Overview of Cash Application Automation (CAA) Workflow
3.2. Extract Customer Master Data & Open A/R Data
3.3. Extract Payment Data
3.4. Extract Remittance Data
3.5. Automate Cash Posting
3.6. Manage Exceptions & Deductions
3.7. Measure the Success of Your CAA
3.8. Benefits of Highradius Cash Application Automation "},{"accordion-title-text":"4. UI Demo and Training [20 mins] ","accordion-description-text":"4.1. Solution Architecture
4.2. UI Demo - Check
4.3. UI Demo - EFT
"},{"accordion-title-text":"5. Quiz [20 mins] ","accordion-description-text":"5.1. HighRadius Cash Application Automation Fundamentals Quiz "}]},"post-completion-section":{"linkedin-share-url":"","twitter-share-url":"","facebook-share-url":"","heading-part1":"Share Your Achievement After ","heading-part2":"Completing the Training!","description":"Become an expert in HighRadius cash application automation fundamentals and broadcast your achievement to friends and colleagues to get the recognition you deserve.","certificate-image":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/Cash%20Application%20Certificate.png","email-url":"mailto:support@highako.comcc=rudrani.das@highradius.com&bcc=shelley.mishra@highradius.com&subject=Highako%20Support%3A%20Mini%20Certifications&body=Hi%2C%20%0AHave%20a%20look%20at%20the%20mini-certification%20https%3A%2F%2Facademy.highako.com%2Far-credit-collections-laws-mini-certification","public-link-url":"","download-certificate-url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/Cash%20Application%20Certificate.png","badge-image-url":"https://resources.highako.com/hubfs/Cash%20Application%20Foundation%20Badge-1.png"},"faq-section":{"title":"FAQs","accordion-items":[{"accordion-title-text":"Q. Do I need to be a HighRadius cash application customer to access this training?","accordion-description-text":"Yes, in order to access this training, you would need to be a HighRadius cash application customer. This training offers detailed guidance and instructions regarding the HighRadius cash application software and its functionalities."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. How does the HighRadius cash application foundation training work?","accordion-description-text":"This training is specifically designed for AI-based Cash Application software users providing them with in-depth knowledge of the application’s feature tabs such as payments, remittances, customer master, MICR, email inbox, and inbound/outbound files."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. What is the duration of the training, and how long will I have access to it?","accordion-description-text":"The training content, activities, and quiz will take approximately 2 hours to complete, and you will have unlimited access to this training for life."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. Can I participate in this training even if I am a HighRadius customer without the cash application software?","accordion-description-text":"No, participation in this training is exclusive to HighRadius customers with cash application software. However, if you would like to learn more about the cash application software, please feel free to contact us at support@highako.com."},{"accordion-title-text":"Q. You have completed watching the HighRadius cash application foundation training and passed the final quiz, how do you tell the world?","accordion-description-text":"Congratulations on completing the training and passing the quiz! It's time to proudly announce that you have earned the HighRadius cash application automation foundation badge. Sharing this badge is an excellent way to showcase your achievement to your peers. Keep an eye on your email for instructions on how to share and obtain your exclusive HighRadius credly badge."}]}}}