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Advanced Payment Processing in HighRadius Cash Application Automation

Dive deep into advanced payment processing techniques with HighRadius. This course covers the complete lifecycle of a payment, including the loading process, business rules application, handling exception payments, and managing payment worklists. Learn how to ensure smooth and efficient payment processing with practical insights and hands-on examples.

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About this course

promoImage Course 3: Advanced Payment Processing

This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with in-depth knowledge and practical skills for managing the complete lifecycle of payments using HighRadius Cash Application Solution. From the initial loading of payment batch files to the application of business rules, handling exceptions, and managing the payment worklist, you'll learn how to ensure smooth and efficient payment processing. This course is perfect for finance professionals and system administrators looking to optimize their payment processes with HighRadius. 

The course covers the following learning objectives:

  1. Understand the Full Payment Lifecycle- Comprehend the stages of the payment loading process, including Bank Transmission, Client Transmission, and Statement Upload, and their role in ensuring smooth payment processing.
  2. Apply and Manage Business Rules- Define and utilize business rules to accurately identify customers, determine deduction coding, and link remittances, ensuring effective payment processing. 
  3. Identify and Resolve Payment Exceptions- Recognize and categorize success payments and exception payments, using system tools to diagnose and address issues such as customer identification and remittance linking failures.
  4. Optimize Payment Worklist Management- Navigate the payment worklist to efficiently resolve exceptions, manually link payments to correct customers, and automate the linking process through customer mappings and aliases. 
  5. Enhance Efficiency in Payment Processing- Leverage the automated and scheduled tasks within HighRadius to streamline the payment processing workflow, minimizing manual intervention and ensuring data accuracy.

'{"title":"Product Training Certificate - Advanced Payment Processing", "duration":"15mins","modules":4,"quiz":1,}'


Curriculum30 Minutes

  • Understanding Payment Stages
  • Applying Business Rules
  • Managing Payment Exceptions
  • Optimizing Payment Worklist
  • Knowledge Check
  • Your Feedback Matters!
  • Next Course- Exception Handling

About this course

promoImage Course 3: Advanced Payment Processing

This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with in-depth knowledge and practical skills for managing the complete lifecycle of payments using HighRadius Cash Application Solution. From the initial loading of payment batch files to the application of business rules, handling exceptions, and managing the payment worklist, you'll learn how to ensure smooth and efficient payment processing. This course is perfect for finance professionals and system administrators looking to optimize their payment processes with HighRadius. 

The course covers the following learning objectives:

  1. Understand the Full Payment Lifecycle- Comprehend the stages of the payment loading process, including Bank Transmission, Client Transmission, and Statement Upload, and their role in ensuring smooth payment processing.
  2. Apply and Manage Business Rules- Define and utilize business rules to accurately identify customers, determine deduction coding, and link remittances, ensuring effective payment processing. 
  3. Identify and Resolve Payment Exceptions- Recognize and categorize success payments and exception payments, using system tools to diagnose and address issues such as customer identification and remittance linking failures.
  4. Optimize Payment Worklist Management- Navigate the payment worklist to efficiently resolve exceptions, manually link payments to correct customers, and automate the linking process through customer mappings and aliases. 
  5. Enhance Efficiency in Payment Processing- Leverage the automated and scheduled tasks within HighRadius to streamline the payment processing workflow, minimizing manual intervention and ensuring data accuracy.

'{"title":"Product Training Certificate - Advanced Payment Processing", "duration":"15mins","modules":4,"quiz":1,}'


Curriculum30 Minutes

  • Understanding Payment Stages
  • Applying Business Rules
  • Managing Payment Exceptions
  • Optimizing Payment Worklist
  • Knowledge Check
  • Your Feedback Matters!
  • Next Course- Exception Handling